Sunday, June 12, 2011

Does laser dentistry really make it less scary at my Charlotte dentist

Laser dentistry offers patients an alternative to traditional drill technique dentistry.   Charlotte dentists use laser dentistry to perform procedures that are safe and more comfortable than traditional dentistry.

Charlotte residents need not fear trips to the dentist. Painful dental procedures are a ghost of the past. Laser dentistry performed by trained, established Charlotte cosmetic dentists provides an alternative to traditional drill technique dentistry.  Rather than hearing the whine of the drill, dental patients are able to relax as the silent laser is used to work on specific dental problems.  Patients report less anxiety as the dentist works.  No wonder laser dentistry is an expanding field with a growing fan base!

Charlotte cosmetic dentists use the FDA approved dental lasers to work in a specific area of the patient’s mouth.  Surrounding tissue is far less likely to be bruised or damaged when a laser is used.  The dentist is able to work with less struggle with the instrument. Rather, the laser is held much like a pen and the light does the work.  Dental lasers can be used on gums or teeth and help reduce the need for cutting into soft tissue.  Because lasers cauterize as they go, the need for stitches can also be reduced or eliminated.  In addition, bleeding is minimized when lasers are used.  The possibility of infection is also reduced as the laser sterilizes the area of dental work. 

Laser dentistry is used for a variety of dental procedures.  Dentists using lasers are often able to spot tooth decay and cavities sooner than before.  Biopsies can be done with dental lasers to detect oral cancers or growths.  Previously dreaded procedures, such as root canals, can be made more comfortable with the use of dental lasers which can work on teeth and gums.  Charlotte dentists are finding lasers to be a valuable tool as they work with their patients. 
You may have also heard of laser teeth whitening.  While lasers where once used to activate the ingredient in the teeth whitening chemical, Charlotte’s cosmetic dentists now use LED lighting to help whiten your teeth.

See what dental lasers can do for you.  Conquer those dental fears once and for all and contact your Charlotte cosmetic dentist today.

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