Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ballantyne Charlotte's New Tool for Stress-Free Dentistry: NuCalm

NuCalm is the latest tool by your local Charlotte cosmetic dentists. What NuCalm does is bring your body to that euphoric stage just before you fall asleep and which lasts throughout your dental treatment.

The NuCalm process
NuCalm has four individual components.
1. Chewable tablets that are scientifically designed to counteract adrenaline will be given to you. It is a proprietary formula that only NuCalm possesses, and it creates natural relaxation. 
2. Micro-current patches will be placed behind the ears to help you relax quicker.
3. You will be fitted with noise-deadening headphones that will deliver soothing music that takes your brain to its pre-sleep state of 8Hz to 12Hz per second.
4. You will be given a pair of blacked-out glasses. These are used to eliminate visual stimuli that may hinder the relaxation process.

The NuCalm experience
Thanks to advances in sedation dentistry, NuCalm provides you with that exact same experience that is the Alpha sleep stage. You will still be in the chair, and the procedure will occur in the same manner as it always does, but you will be completely lost in relaxation and unaware of what is going on. All thanks to NuCalm, you can leave your dental appointment feeling like you are walking out of a day-long spa treatment.

No longer having a fear of the dentist can completely alter how you approach your dental health. Think of all the appointments you intentionally missed because you were too afraid to go. Call your local Charlotte cosmetic dentists today, and let them show you what NuCalm can do for you. 

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