Do you have problems when you go to the dentist?
Do you have a strong gag reflex?
Do you freak out completely when you step inside a dental clinic?
All these problems indicate some form of dental anxiety, which hinders you from going to the dentist. But that doesn't mean that you'll have to endure pain brought about by a bad tooth. If you are in Charlotte, you're in luck, because NuCalm all natural technology is here to solve your problems with dental anxiety.
What does NuCalm all-natural technology include?
NuCalm includes a 4-step process to help the patient fall asleep before a dental procedure is conducted. By falling asleep, patients are more relaxed and less anxious, which means that procedures go smoothly and effortlessly. The steps include the following:
1- Chewing tablets made up of GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) that is a natural neurotransmitter in the body. GABA is responsible for relaxation and to help a person fall into sleep.
2- The application of a Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) device that slowly relaxes the brain.
3- A frequency-following-response neuroacoustic software that plays classical music that induces the brain to sleep.
4- Lastly, blackout glasses are placed to cover against that annoying light used during a dental procedure.
Within 3-5 minutes, you will fall into a deep sleep and your muscles will relax. For some, the use of NuCalm all natural solution has shown an improvement in their sleeping patterns for a few days.
For more information about NuCalm all-natural technology, visit Ballantyne Center for Dentistry in Charlotte.
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