Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tooth bonding is a popular procedure in Charlotte’s cosmetic dental offices

Picture-Perfect Smile
Have you ever wished you could have a perfect smile?  Charlotte’s cosmetic dentists can make your wish come true with cosmetic tooth bonding.  Whether repairing one tooth or the entire set of teeth, Charlotte’s dentists can apply thin dental composites to the surface of the teeth resulting in an even, natural smile.  Dental bonds can be used to correct broken or chipped teeth, uneven teeth, discolored teeth or even gaps between the teeth.  In all cases, an improved appearance is one of the main benefits Charlotte’s residents enjoy as a result of this painless procedure.

If a painless method for improving your smile seems too good to be true, read on.  Composite resin, a type of plastic, is applied as a thin coat on the surface of the tooth.  Before applying the resin, your dentist will use a gentle abrasion to prepare your teeth to receive the dental bond.  Your trained, experienced Charlotte cosmetic dentist can make adjustments to resin to create a properly shaped, sized and colored tooth.  Once adjusted the composite resin is bonded to the tooth using a high intensity light.  The dental bond can be maintained, cleaned and polished in the same way as a natural tooth.  Because all of the work on the composite resin is done in the comfort of your Charlotte’s cosmetic dentist’s office, the procedure can be done in a single appointment lasting thirty minutes to an hour.  If you are having bonding applied to all of your teeth, you will need to make a series of appointments to have the entire mouth treated.  There is no need for work from a dental lab, which makes dental bonding a quicker, more sensible alternative to Charlotte’s cosmetic dental patients. 

Despite promises of painless procedures, some Charlotte dental patients are still nervous about any dental work.  Charlotte’s cosmetic dentists are also certified and licensed as sedation dentists.  With sedation dentistry, the patient can be made to feel relaxed and more at ease during the dental procedure.  Don’t hesitate to ask your Charlotte cosmetic dentist what options are available.  Your comfort during the procedure is a high priority and you can trust your experienced, gentle dentist to find a solution to ease your anxiety.

Beautiful, even, white teeth don’t have to be a wish.  With the help of Charlotte’s trained, professional cosmetic dentists they can be a reality in just a few short and painless appointments.  Invest in your smile and your appearance with tooth bonding.  Charlotte’s cosmetic dentists are busy brightening smiles every day.  Don’t wait any longer.  Contact your Charlotte cosmetic dentist today to schedule an appointment and to discuss the options and possibilities of tooth bonding.  There are few things as beautiful as a friendly, open smile.   Become one of Charlotte’s cosmetic dentists’ newest fans!

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